What to Check before Sending a Child to a Kindergarten

What to Check before Sending a Child to a Kindergarten



When children reach to a certain age parents opt to send them to a kindergarten without even knowing that their child is ready to go to a kindergarten or not. Here are some red flags that will help you know that whether your child is ready to go to a kindergarten or not.

Inability to engage/play/communicate with other children: – If a child is not able to communicate or play with other children despite reaching a certain age it is not ready for going to a kindergarten. Sometimes children show interests in the plays that are meant for quite smaller age. This is a sign that you rethink over admitting your child in a kindergarten. Some more counselling is required with such children before sending them to a kindergarten.

Wild Behavior/ Playing Very aggressively: – If your child behaves in a way that he may harm himself; he perhaps is not ready for a kindergarten. Some children likes to play very aggressively with the large toys which can harm them. Some children have tendencies to throw objects. This can also harm them or other children. Such children needs counselling before going to a kindergarten.

Inability to tell about the motions or Inability to use the bathroom independently: – If a child is not able to speak about his/her motions he is probably not ready for a kindergarten.  Child should also be able to use the bathroom independently. Children should also be able to open or close the latch on the doors.

Inability to live without parents for several hours: – If a child is not able to live without parents for several hours he/she may not be considered as ready to go to a kindergarten. Child should be able to live separated to its parents for 5-6 hours if one is opting to send his ward to a kindergarten.

Inability to follow instructions or unwilling to it: – If a child is not able to follow the instructions of the instructor, he is not ready to go to a kindergarten. In some cases children show their unwillingness to follow the instructions. Such children need counselling at home before sending them to a kindergarten.

However, in an international kindergarten or preschool there remains well trained staff for helping a children at every step, yet ensuring that your child has these abilities is very important before sending a child to a kindergarten or a nursery school.