How to Write a Compelling Novel?

How to Write a Compelling Novel?



In this world, every person has his or her own story. You can see someone smiling, some people enjoying time with their dear ones. You can encounter some people fighting over some matter and you might find a person crying for some reason. So, this world is full of various emotions and there are some people who like to show these emotions through writing.

 You might also be one of those people, thinking of churning out a novel. However, you cannot start writing a novel just like that. You have to have appropriate knowledge of novel writing otherwise, your story might come to halt after a smooth start. So, lets have a look at the way you should take to write a novel.

 Go for the idea that you would like to read most

 When you sit to write a novel, you must be aware of the thing that readers will not appreciate a half-heartedly written novel from you. Its quite valid as well because people read novel to get rid of boredom or they have interest in reading a story. So, why would someone read your book if its boring itself? Thats why its a must for you to write a novel on an idea that you like to read the most. This way you will be able to write a compelling novel as you will have clarity about that certain genre.

 Develop the characters

 After you have the idea of the theme of your novel, you should start writing the characters. You should try to write a character that your readers find easy to believe and feel the urge of knowing his or her story. To do that, you should give time to observe people from the real life. In addition, you should also ask yourself some questions about your character and try to dig deep enough so that you can come up with your characters secrets as well.

 Characters must have some problems

 As a writer, you should also remember that readers would not like your characters if they dont develop as the story progresses. People get attracted to the characters who have some aspirations and problems. They like to see a character making efforts to achieve his or her objectives or getting rid of a problem. So, you should try to make sure that your character has some objectives and difficulties throughout the story.

 Write an engaging story

 When you are done writing the characters, you should have a go at writing the story. In this process, you should make sure to write such scenes that move your story forward, describe your character or do both of these things. If its not going that way, then you are not on the right track to write a story and might end up writing a story that doesnt fascinate the readers.

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