Need to know tips for gate computer science

Need to know tips for gate computer science



These are a few gate computer science books which you can use for preparation:


For physical database organization (theory) and SQL, RA, TRC Book by Raghuramkrishnan… gate book for computer science

For transaction direction and Normalization

Your notions are clear and once you finish reading issues in Korth and Raghuramkrishnan, then onwards I suggest you to read and stick up with Navathe because it contains lot of techniques and algorithms not given any where else

Computer Networks

For application layer protocols”Computer Networking – A top down strategy” by Kurose and Ross accessible on”TCP/IP” by Forouzan

For TCP Frame Formats and IP Header formats”TCP/IP” by Forouzan

Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer”Computer Networks” by TanenbaumGo through all the exercises given in the publication…

Operating Systems

Book by Galvin is great for concepts Modern Operating System by Andrew Tanenbaum is the best book for OS. It features great number of issues. Also includes some of theory that’s not comprised in Galvin’s publication. Operating Systems by Stallings additionally comprises tricky troubles. Gate computer science can also be accessible additionally indicate Schaum’s Set (writer: J. Archer Harris) book on operating systems for problems. It truly is a very good compilation of issues from Tanenbaum, Galvin and Stallings.

Some Ideas for Training/Study

1. Strictly use Reference books, don’t rely on any category notes.

2. In first phase of your study (in month of May-June) go through all GATE papers. Solve them. Once problem is solved try to find similar problems out and solve them. This will fix up the concepts nicely.

3. Use section websites of various universities to get latest assignments.

4. Strategy you schedule in such a style that you’ll have the ability to finish up entire syllabus in month of Dec. from jan onwards try to solve papers.

5. Keep your feb first week for revision only… do ‘t read any new notions


Gate desires at least 6 months for basic studies. Further readings may involve 3 or 2 more months. Although syllabus of gate for CS is fairly moderate but all subjects in its syllabus are actually must as being a graduate in Computer Science Engineering to be analyzed.

Gate needs gate exam preparation materials and essential knowledge of all fundamental subjects and one must not be overwhelmed with too much readings out of its syllabus. Although your theories will be made by it stronger but also your valuable time would be needed by it too, which you could utilize in your basic studies.