FE Electrical and Computer Engineering Exam – First Step towards Professional Engineering...

FE Electrical and Computer Engineering Exam – First Step towards Professional Engineering Licensure



For the aspiring electrical and computer engineers, a decision to take FE Electrical and Computer Exam is one of the most important steps that they take for their careers. Taking this initiative is vital as it sets you on a journey to Professional Engineering Licensure which probably the most regarded credential in industry. PE license offer recognition, status, higher salary, job opportunities and increases chances to assume senior roles.

Although above mentioned benefits appear to be self explanatory in terms of the source of motivation for students however it might be surprising to learn that a fair majority of practicing engineers as well as new graduates from engineering school decide not to take FE exam each year. One of the main factor that acts as a wall between students and FE exam is the perceived level of difficulty. This is because FE Electrical and Computer Exam practically covers entire undergraduate curriculum of a typical Electrical and Computer Engineering course work. The second and not so obvious factor is that most of the states in U.S. allow industrial exemption for PE licensed designs meaning that as long as businesses are carrying out activities involving engineering design on their private properties, they are not mandated to have the plans stamped and sealed by a licensed PE.

The first factor, perceived level of FE exam difficulty, results in procrastination on part of the students and they decide to put the exam off for future. This only exacerbates the problem because passing FE exam becomes more difficult not easier as you continue to postpone it. Without doubt, the best time to take FE exam is when you are still in school or recently graduated. This is because all the concepts are still fresh in your mind and you are used to preparing for the exams.

The second factor, industrial exemption, provides an excuse for not taking exam since you can always make an argument that PE license is not a requirement for practicing engineering. It is true that at the moment majority of jurisdictions do not require you to have PE license in order to practice engineering but if past and current trends are any indication of future, relying on industrial exemption is not the best career development strategy. This is because of two reasons. First of all, a lot of developed countries have moved towards legislating only the licensed professional engineers to be allowed to call themselves as engineer (such as in Canada) and require licensed professional engineers to stamp and seal both public and private projects. Secondly, in an extremely interconnected work, outsourcing of jobs is not restricted to certain fields like telemarketing, sales, IT or software. Outsourcing is aggressively happening in all industries and one of the only ways to protect yourself against it is to seek credentials like PE.

Evidently many employers in the top industries require a job candidate to be licensed for their senior engineering positions. Professional engineers enjoy high prestige and credibility after obtaining the licensure which is an indicator of expertise. In such highly technical industries, licensed professional engineers have an elevated level of reverence and the engineering community considers it as a worthwhile accomplishment.

www.studyforfe.com is a resourceful website that helps you prepare for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam with the latest exam preparation resources. It is a comprehensive FE Electrical and Computer Exam review website created for your success.