Types Of Hospitality Management Systems

Types Of Hospitality Management Systems



If you are pursuing any kind of degree like Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Hospitality Management, you will understand what we are talking about here. These are basically software that help in running your hospitality business. You can always train people for running such softwares, mostly people with a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology or Hospitality Management have knowledge in this respect. There are a number of Indian Universities who are offering special training and graduate level courses in these subjects. For instance, Auro Univesity from Gujarat is known for offering courses in this sector. If you happen to be the one dreaming of graduating or pursuing a post graduate degree like MBA from Gujarat, you must be knowing already about it. The University holds a strong reputation for providing promising career options to students pursuing degrees in hospitality management and other related sectors.

Moving back to the hospitality management systems, these systems are meant for making administration easier for people indulged in this task. It might be a food ordering system for a restaurant or an accommodation booking system for hotels, all support the management staff on each level. The prime benefits of these systems are a massive improvement in efficiency, level of communication, and revenue increment for companies owning them.

There is a wide range of hospitality management systems that one can choose from. However, before you make any final decision, it is important to have complete information about working as well as pros and cons of any such system. For reference, you can always consult an IT professional or a certified hospitality management guy and get complete information about its usage and utilities. There are specific companies that offer systems that can be modified or customized to meet individual needs of a company or hotel or restaurant.

Accommodation Management Software: The accommodation software pros range from those available for motel owners to B&B’s and big five star hotels, clubs, and holiday resorts. The most basic version of this software includes room and guest management, the higher versions deal with multiple needs that require special attention for larger hotel chains. The bigger purposes might range from inventory, reservations, training, accounting, staff roster, retail, and so forth.

Front Desk Software: A software meant for front office helps the reception staff for keeping track of all kinds of bookings, guest details, charges, coordination with restaurants, plan housekeeping responsibilities, process guest check-ins, check-outs, and much more. These are also capable of providing efficient means of communication with all kinds of travel agents and service partners. The specific features that an owner need to look for are arrival reports, guest ledgers, departure records, room tariffs, visual schematic with calendar for rooms, and so on.

Housekeeping Software: Systems like these mainly help in efficient maintenance of rooms. Main features included in this software go from length of stay, track of check-ins and check outs, cleaning and servicing of rooms, inspection dates, room status, and so on.

Online Reservation System: One of the most essential softwares, this one is a basic requirement for all institutes offering hospitality services. It can help not only the owners but also the prospective guests in viewing hotel arena, rooms, bed options, and much more.