Scope & Significance of B. Sc (chemistry) Honours

Scope & Significance of B. Sc (chemistry) Honours



Science is often regarded as stream of challenges as well as opportunities. There are unprecedented growth and career opportunities for the students from the science background. After completion of 12th with science, most of the students opt for BSC degree, which is a three years graduation course proffered by the best science colleges in India.

The duration for B.Sc. degree course in India is of 3 years. Most of the good science colleges in Kolkata nowadays offer BSC in general as well as BSC with specialisation in any specific fields of science such as:

  • B.Sc. (Physics)
  • B.Sc. (Botany
  • B.Sc. (PCM)
  • B.Sc. (Maths)
  • B.Sc. (Chemistry)
  • B.Sc. (Zoology)
  • B.Sc. (Statistics)
  • B.Sc. (Home Science)

BSC (Chemistry)

BSC (chemistry) is one of the most popular science courses offered in the best science colleges in India which covers analytical, organic, and inorganic and physical chemistry. Chemistry deals with study of a range of matters in isolation or in combination with other matters. It also focuses on understanding the structure, function and mechanism of biomolecules and different instrumental techniques in Analytical chemistry.  As chemistry is a branch of natural science; it is often regarded as the science of matter. The professionals working the field of chemistry analyse various composition of matters such as density, size, shape and acidity. Most professionals also specialises in one or other sub domain of chemistry. As chemical are used in almost all industries like medicines, food products, electronics and construction activities, the degree in chemistry honours creates opportunities for successful aspirants in diversified sectors and industries.

A majority of B.Sc chemistry graduates opt for pursuing master’s degree in the chemistry. They can also opt for various specialized areas in this field for the post-graduation courses. In order to pursue M.SC (chemistry from are recognised university, one must have scored at least55% marks in graduation. After completing BSC (chemistry) from a recognised university, one can look for exciting career opportunities in many industries such as chemical engineering, research, healthcare, pharmaceutical chemical manufacturers, forensic science department, plastic industries, agrochemical industries and lot more. BSC graduates can also look for entry-level positions as clinical laboratory technologists, chemists, or materials scientists. They are also recruited in other fields like chemical manufacturers, forensic science department, plastic industries, and agrochemical industries. However, many employers require higher education like M.SC in chemistry.

Many science colleges in Kolkata are offering integrated BSC (chemistry) honours, which is 5 year degree course. Once getting enrolled into integrated course, students don’t need to look for other course for pursuing post-graduation. The course in chemistry prepares students for a bright career. It is advisable to get enrolled only into recognised and reputed university to get relevant degree and quality education for rewarding career.