What to look for in the best school in Mumbai

What to look for in the best school in Mumbai



A nation’s worth can be gauged by looking upon the state of education within its boundaries. Every nation has its own struggles with education. India is no different from other countries as it too has to deal with problems related to the education sector. A number of schemes and laws have been passed or enacted by subsequent governments of India which has helped to bolster the growth of education in the country. However there is much left to be done if India wants to compete on the global level with an educated workforce.

The quality of any country’s people is largely determined by the education that they have been afforded along with their life experiences. These two forces work in tandem to shape what an individual is going to be like. No one can control or even predict life experiences, but education can be customized by selecting the school carefully after conducting your due diligence. The schools that you choose to send your children to will effectively determine their future status.

It is often said that that best schools in India can be found in its cities. Among the cities in India, Mumbai is known as the financial capital of India which is why most business houses have their headquarters here. Mumbai also boasts of a great eclectic mix of schools that caters to a variety of economic classes. There are International schools with international curriculums; there are convent schools which have been established long before even the grandparents of some of their students were born. There are also the municipal schools which cater to children from economically backward backgrounds.

However it is not the spending power of these schools or even the quality of their infrastructure that decides which is the greater school. The best school in Mumbai can be chanced upon by simply checking out the fees or infrastructure. It is the quality of a school’s curriculum and the ability of their teaching staff to teach that curriculum to its students. The best school in Mumbai is the one that has managed to harness a synergy between these two main pillars of education.

A good curriculum is the one that contains relevant subjects and topics. It should also have the power to stay relevant for at least 5 years if not more. The teaching staff should be one that loves to nurture and care for children. The knowledge of the subject matter they teach is secondary to their affinity for nurturing children. Selecting schools is serious business but all you need to do to succeed at it by paying attention to the curriculum and the teaching staff.