Career Scope After Btech

Career Scope After Btech



Long before the results of 12th standard are announced, most of the focused students decide their career path. They have done their homework about the courses as well as the degrees that will make their chosen career a reality rather than just a dream. The situation is also a result of the stream students have to choose in their board exams which proves to be the cornerstone of their career. Very few students go into a career different than that of their chosen stream of board. So, Biology student tries to get into a career related to plants, animals, medicine, anatomy, genetics, etc. Similarly student with Maths as his subjects imagines himself as a mathematician, scientist, or any form of engineering. In this article, you will come to know about the options you will have if you decided to become an engineer.

However for this, you should be well aware of the types of engineering careers waiting for you.

Government Jobs

With a BTech degree in a particular specialization, you can work towards getting into various Government jobs all over India. Numerous projects related to infrastructure are proposed every year. To complete these projects different departments come up with vacancies which are to be filled with the skilled people. They thus have to fulfil the required eligibility criteria of being a qualified engineer. They could be any: Electrical, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Marine or Civil.

In many instances, qualified engineers are not placed in government jobs just because they were not aware of the opportunities available, especially in sectors like railways, communication, military, dairy and food, etc. Once the potential candidate comes across all such vacancies, he can find himself placed in stipulated time.  

Private Jobs

With the opening up of the economy and advent of MNCs in India, there is plethora of options for qualified and skilled engineers. Construction, Software development, Real estate, communication, home appliances, automotive, and many such fields are in need of good task handlers who know their subject well.

Private jobs are long associated with being unstable, means employees can be fired if found guilty of non-performance but this is not a problem for the people who are go-getters dedicated to their jobs.

 Higher Study

Besides securing a job, there are options to get higher studies in India and abroad to enhance the knowledge and skills. This could help in getting better jobs in both India and around the globe. Higher education gives exposure and experience that is often not possible in founding education.

For higher studies though, aspirants have to prepare harder for the qualifying exams. GMAT, GRE, etc. are among those exams that need to be cleared first, only then the doors to even better opportunities open up. 

Research and Academics

Some technicians are better at getting deeper into their subject so that they could come up with new innovations in the field of their passion. For this they need to take up research and dedicate their life towards betting a technique, inventing a new machine, developing some new software, coming up with new theories, and so on so forth. 

These people can then pave way for future technicians. They can kindle the same fire that burnt in their heart for their subject.

Now choice is yours, so choose well!    


Neeta is a professional author and a blogger. She is a native Indian and enjoys her time in writing quality blogs. She’s been writing terrific articles on Marketing ins & outs, Best Btech Institutes in Haryana , Top MBA Colleges in India etc.. For more background information on her, please view her profile on Google+ over here .