MOS Certification Training Online

MOS Certification Training Online



MOS or also known as the Microsoft Office Specialist is a very comprehensive certification program that is performance-based. The certification is approved by Microsoft for the validation of desktop computer skills, for organizations that use the Microsoft Office desktop applications such as Microsoft Office 2007, MS Office 2010 or MS Office 2013. MOS Certification is a core level qualification that has carefully been designed for the validation of the international set of skills used for benchmarking and efficient productivity within commercial environments. It is only through an MOS certification program that one is able to prove their MS office skills, demonstrate one’s abilities as well as having the necessary competitive advantage in the professional and academic environments today.

MOS Certification can either be done online or offline. Online training is far more the most reliable form of training as one can train at their preferred speed and comfort. Provided you have a personal computer and connection to the internet, you are set to start pursuing your online program. Before making a decision on whether to go online or not, it is always important that you get the course description, online requirements, and the program info to make the best-informed decision.

Essential Information

MOS Certification is a credential that is granted by the Microsoft Company to students who have successfully completed the Microsoft Office Skills examination. The courses used to prepare students for such credentials are found either in 4-year universities, vocational schools together with colleges or alternatively, can be done online through a online organization.

In some schools, students enrolling for the MOS Certification Training Online can always enroll at any time of their choice whereas, in others the program is offered on a semester basis. It’s important to note that some schools may offer their graduates certificates of completion and other credits, but only Microsoft Company awards the MOS certification.

Course Topics

The MOS Certification Training Online has been designed to be offered in module forms with each module covering some specific basic function that includes: organization, creation and formatting of content in a single Microsoft Office program out of the five other programs. With skills and experience in the taught tools, finished products are able to be created by students. The five basic MS Office software programs are:

· MS Outlook

· The MS PowerPoint

· The MS Excel

· The MS Word and

· The MS Access

Certification Exams

There are three MOS certification levels which includes the specialists, expert and the master. For the MOS specialist Certification Training online, the student needs to pass a specialist skills test to be certified. The second level namely expert MOS certification, the student needs to pass either an Excel Expert or Word Expert exam. In order to become a master certified MOS expert, one has to pass four exams: PowerPoint Expert, Excel Expert, and MS Word Expert together with either Outlook or MS Access.BR>
After completion of your MOS Certification Training Online, you will be required to do the MOS certification examination at one of the proctored testing facilities near where you live. Upon successful completion, a Microsoft certification award will be sent to you through mail.

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