Here's a Quick Way on How to Increase Points for PR

Here's a Quick Way on How to Increase Points for PR



Australian enjoy one of highest standard of living and quality life, and thus making an ideal destination for immigration. Foreign students, after completion of higher studies, can get a suitable job and permanent residency to enjoy same standard of living. But foreigners need to follow Government erected guidelines while applying for permanent residency in Australia.

 While trying to figure out what will be your next move to reach the points required for permanent residency in Australia, let us tell you a way on how to increase points for PR. 

Do you know that scoring above proficient English language level will attract maximum points for English Language Ability?  An actionable way to increase points and will definitely help in achieving your goal.

 In the market today, there are known English language proficiency exams such IELTS, TOEFL and Pearson Test of English or also known as PTE Academic.  With increasing popularity, PTE Academic has attracted aspiring international students and migrants because of the advantages it provides, making it the leading computer based test of English.

 As the world’s leading computer based test of English, PTE Academic has a number of advantages. One of the them is the flexibility of its test dates in one of 200 locations worldwide, 13 of which are in Australia.  As it is computer based test, PTE’s highly accurate computer markings provide consistent scores and not influenced by examiner bias.  Lastly, its fast release of results, only in 5 business days.

 Commitment to the PTE exam preparation is needed to obtain the desired outcome.  But how do you prepare for the exam?  There are heaps of materials online especially from the Pearson website.  However, we strongly recommend signing up for PTE Coaching,especially if you are a first timer, a retaker or someone aiming to get high score.  Coaching sessions will help you be familiar with the test sequence and pace and the needed guidance in order to succeed in the exam.  And help you also to identify and then work harder on your weaker areas.

 To help students pursue higher studies in Australia, Aeccglobal is offering numerous services. AECC Global, being an authorized reseller PTE voucher,is offering you a 10% discount on buying the voucher online while booking your exam with us.  Apart from that, we offer all services to give wings to your careers studying abroad. Contact our agency or experts to find more information to study in Australia and permanent residency after getting a job.