Learn Chess Strategy: Ways to Improve Your IQ

Learn Chess Strategy: Ways to Improve Your IQ



Chess has been proven in various research studies to help players improve their IQ. The millions of moves available in a single game compounded by new permutations and combinations of game plays that arise after every move makes chess one of the most stimulating games.

One of the many ways IQ is built up is by playing through the numerous strategies that abound in the game. A chess strategy refers to the overall plan that a player has to win the game and the moves they make to achieve this end. It comprises of millions of possible moves of which a few are chosen by the player to get to his or her objective. The overall strategy is a sum of various smaller strategies linked to each move that are either executed or discarded as the game progresses.

The rules of chess are simple. Yet, the number of moves these rules throw up is overwhelming. In fact, a new player who is starting to learn the game will in a series of 2-3 games would have gone through thousands of famous plays without knowing their significance. However, as they learn more and more about strategy and possible moves, they realize the significance of each step on the board and start thinking of the possible combinations they can execute. The changes in the game plan and having to think several moves ahead each time a piece is moved means the player has to give his or her best every time. Since even a small mistake can result in a checkmate, they have to be very sure how they take each step. This is a process of continuous learning where the players learn from each mistake and try to correct it in the next game they play.

What this learning does to the player’s intellect is amazing. The mere abstract thinking of such moves fires up the brain cells and makes them perform exceptional feats of reasoning and interpolation that were not even possible before the game started. Once this process starts, there is no going back and the student’s intelligence levels automatically start increasing.

It is a known fact that even the best players with above average intelligence are not able to master all the chess strategies and have to rely on a mere handful that they know to try and win each game. This means that anyone who plays chess will find his or her intelligence levels increasing in direct proportion to the number of strategies he or she is able to master.

In addition to the IQ, chess also teaches players a host of other skills such as emotional control, patience, humility, and self-discipline. These skills may seem a small matter to many but they along with intelligence form the foundation of all successful lives. In fact, success often eludes people without these key skills and character traits. With so many positives attached to a simple game, it is a smart thing to learn chess strategies to improve your IQ and learn how to be a success in life.