What makes a great teacher?

What makes a great teacher?



In this discussion, I am going to share the issues I experienced as a student during my academic years and now as a teacher. By presenting the issues between teachers and students when dealing with the overall class experience, I hope to demonstrate the ability and strength for any teachers or students to develop their understanding.


Motivation: The Most Important task of a tutor is to be able to motivate the student and help in his overall development. Motivating a student is a crucial task for any teacher be it a private tutor or a school teacher.

Some teachers can make seemingly unfitting comments that you are not up to standard or that you should quit. This can be their way of putting you under pressure and it works remarkably for some students because it makes them work harder, but not for all. Others might say that you are the best and encourage you, which in return can make you feel motivated.


Teachers are the facilitators of motivation and they must set a good example in their actions for students to have a positive attitude and a positive outlook. A teacher can help students create a positive image of their ideal self and talk about where and what kind of person the students see themselves in the future or even working on creative strategies to understand the students direction going forward.


When students are given the right motivational push, they can rise to a new level; however, some students don’t receive the same encouragement to develop. This can hinder their progress and in the worst case scenario this can lead to demotivation or even depression.


Direction: Direction is a very important point in the evolution of any performer. Music is an ever-growing process. Direction for most students at the initial stage in their learning is not set in stone. A student might feel that they are unaware of which creative direction they want to take or question who they are and what they want to study.

An effective tutor will learn to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the student(s) and draws on what they already know to stimulate their interest. This can be recommending new books to study, entering competitions on a varied-level, attending workshops or even providing small texts or assessments to guide the course of movement.


The way in which a Tutor gives direction to their student has an enormous impact in their development and when recognizing the right kind of support to give.


Discipline: The last but the most important thing in terms of overall quality of any Tutor/teacher is discipline. A disciplined tutor can set a specific goal and set tasks and schedule the path to achieve it. We need to understand that only Disciplined tutors can help in the overall development of any student and a B.Ed qualified Tutor can always help in the overall development as they are taught how to teach.


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