6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Preschool



While preparing your child for his or her first day at a Covina preschool, here are some things that you can do with them to make the transition as easy as possible. 

Schedule Play Dates

One of the greatest things about preschool is that it helps children learn social skills. They need to practice communicating with others, sharing, taking turns, and more. These simple things are difficult for children to learn, so you can help your child practice these things by scheduling play dates with other children of the same age. 

Practice Time Apart

If your child has difficulty leaving you, it’s time to start spending time apart. Schedule a babysitter, play dates, or time with grandparents. As your child learns that you leave and return later, he or she will get more comfortable each time.  

Read Books Together

Reading is a great way to introduce your child to the alphabet and practice sitting still for an extended period of time. Part of preschool requires children to sit at circle time, which can be difficult for wiggly preschool-aged children. 

Do Simple Activities Together

Although you don’t want to prepare your child too much for preschool, doing some simple activities together is a great way to develop your child’s love of learning. Play games that require your child to match colors or shapes, try simple science projects, take a hike and observe nature, or go to a museum. Make learning fun while teaching your child simple concepts. 

Get Artsy

Developing fine motor skills is important to help your child learn how to write. In order to develop these skills, do art projects together. Help your child practice using scissors, coloring, or molding playdough. Painting is a great project that also allows your child to use all 5 senses while developing fine motor skills. 

Along with arts and crafts, allow your child time to make music. Playing instruments fosters development and encourages self-expression. You don’t have to go out and purchase expensive instruments. Just get out the pots, pans, and spoons and let your child put on a concert. 

Establish a Schedule

Developing a routine not only helps your child sleep better at night, but it also helps your child practice transitioning between activities. You don’t have to have a set schedule that you follow every day, but using routines throughout the day helps your child know what to expect each day. 

Try these steps to prepare your child to attend a Covina preschool, and don’t forget to stop by the school to tour the facilities and let your child get comfortable in the new setting.