Types of Personalities

Types of Personalities



Each and every individual possesses a different way of behaving, responding to emotions, perceiving things and looking at the world. No two individuals in the world would be same. The difference can be noticed in almost every aspect of life. Some people may like partying with friends while others enjoy staying back at home. It is not really necessary that two people have similar preferences, choices, likings, etc.

Here is a list of different personalities of people.

1. The Duty Fulfiller – Also known as ISTJ (introversion, sensing, thinking, judgment). Such an individual is very serious about the roles and responsibilities and performs all the tasks assigned carefully with complete passion. The duty fulfillers are very serious individuals and believe in honesty. They would never do something which is not good for the people around them. Such individuals are responsible citizens of the country and loyal to the family and work. They also show a strong inclination towards creativity and aesthetics.

2. The Mechanic – Clinically known as ISTP – Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving. These individuals are more inclined towards machinery. They are always interested in looking for the functioning of the mechanical things. They believe in practicalities of life rather than theories. A person with such a personality is extremely adventurous and loves to explore things. They also have a powerful logical reasoning and a great mind.

3. The Nurturer – As the name suggests, such an individual has a big heart. For them, happiness is all about making people around them happier. They are very sweet and innocent type of people who generally live for others. They are also known as ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). Such people are always positive and do not look at the darker sides of life. They believe in extracting the best out of other people. Their approach to life is much simpler and beautiful.

4. The Artist – These individuals are creative and have an eye for the natural beauty. Such people believe in living the moment rather than worrying about the future. They are extremely cool-headed people who are always lost in their own world. They are never seen getting into unnecessary fights. They are aspired by others work and take ideas from them to create something.

5. The Protector – Also known as INFJ – Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging, very few people possess such a personality. The protectors are very organized individuals and want the best in the system. They do not trust or believe in others.

6. The Scientist – These are the individuals who believe in strategic planning of something. They would observe the people carefully and constantly gather relevant information and upgrade their knowledge. Such individuals are extremely intelligent and have a very sharp analytical mind to understand others carefully. They do not believe in mere facts and come to the result after extensive study.