What is Career Counseling – Scholar Talks

What is Career Counseling – Scholar Talks



Career counseling has come as a savior in the competitive times like today, when choosing a right career is a major concern that students face. If you are a student who has passed 12th this year, you must be facing the same difficulty in choosing a career to pursue. There are so many options available that leave you more confused and exhausted. Then there are different people who give you different advises.

Here we have brought to you the solution to come out of this confusion. We are sure that this will prove to be a huge help.

To get rid of all the worries related to deciding a right career option, you should take help of an expert career counselor. They are the people who are well equipped with the knowledge of the world of career options. They are the people who can help you with their expertise in this field.

To understand how they work, you need to first know the concept of career counseling.

What Is Career Counseling- It is the process of helping the student with various services so that he can make a right and well informed career decision? The people who provide such services are called career counselors or advisors.

The career counseling includes face to face interaction with the counselors, where you talk and discuss your career dreams and interests. After gauging your capabilities and potential, the counselors provide you with the most suitable career options that you can choose from. This is also helpful for you to know your own strengths in an unbiased way.

Career Counseling In India- It holds a bright future in India. Students as well as the parents have come forward massively leaving the mental blocks behind. The ground breaking career counseling companies are coming up with innovative services for the students. Even the schools and colleges in India, are hiring trained career advisors for their students.

What Do the Career Counselors Do- There are many companies in India, providing career guidance. Some are serving to the school students and other on college levels.

Out of these companies, Scholar Talks is a fast growing company which is pioneering in the field of career guidance with its constructive services.

SCHOLARTALKS is based in Noida. Founded by HARSH MALIK who is a renowned career counselor, the company provides career guidance to the students 9th standard onwards.

 HARSH MALIK is also a famous motivational speaker and has inspired thousands of students across India.

He was also featured in a talk show “Scholar Talks with HARSH MALIK” in which he shared useful insights for students about affordable and popular career options.

In his venture Scholar Talks, he has incorporated many useful services to give the best career counseling to the students. Here is the list of the services provided by scholar talks-

  • Online Career Counseling
  • Personal Counseling Sessions
  •  Weekly Updates
  •  Newsletter
  •  Career Assessment Test
  • The Book ‘What to Do After 12th?’-it’s a complete career guide for students and was launched by hon. Chief minister Shri Akhilesh Yadav.

SCHOLAR TALKS also provides the end to end information about economic educational loans, various types of scholarships and details you need for abroad studies.


Benefits of Career Counseling- Now that you know who is providing the best career counseling in the field; you should also be aware of the benefits you can reap from this process. Such benefits are-

  • Educational Support and Guidance- You need an unbiased and a fresh perspective to choose a career option. Through career counseling, you get just that. Career counselors are the experts of their field, dedicated to give you support and guidance for a desired career.


  • Setting goals for better results- Goal setting is a very important aspect of making a right career decision. It keeps you focused and aware of your day to day deadline that helps to achieve the goal. Career guidance keeps you focused for your goal.


  • Identifying the choices in Career- With the goal setting and the right educational support it becomes quite easy to find out the best out of the rest. You can choose and identify the best suitable course that matches your potential and strengths.


How Can You Get the Best Out Of Career Counseling?

We have got some tips for you too to get the best from the process. Here they are-

Do not sit at receiving end but PARTICIPATE-While talking to the career counselor you should talk and discuss about your interests and concerns openly. Be a part of the conversation. Ask questions and resolve any concern that you have. This also helps the counselor to gauge your caliber and bent of mind, better.

Find out who is the right career guide for you- You can do some search at your end to know more about the service provider. You can go to the website of the company. That always gives a better opinion about the

Pay a personal visit- It’s important to show up personally and to talk to the career counselors. This gives you a different viewpoint to judge the right career counselor for you.

Talk to the people close to you- Talk and discuss with the people close to you like your parents, relatives, friends or their friends. You never know which discussion gives you key to the door you want to open.

Career counseling is the promise for a rewarding future. It saves whole lot of time and money and above all the anxiety that a student feels, while making a big decision at such tender age. For more detail contact us +91-9045004461 or mail us info@scholartalks.com